RRB Translator / Hindi Previous Year Translation with solution
This is a Translation Asked in RRB Translator Exam 2021. You get the solution to it as well.
Written by Anandam
This is a Translation Asked in RRB Translator Exam 2021. You get the solution to it as well.
These are highly important essay topics for various exams like SSC JHT, CDS and others. The topics Climate Change, AI - advantages and disadvantages etc.
राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय अनुवादक परीक्षा में विवरणात्मक अनुवाद पर दो प्रश्नपत्र 100-100 अंक के आते है। प्रत्येक प्रश्न पत्र में सामान्यतः तीन अनुच्छेद पूछे जाते है, जिसमें मुख्यतः विधि पर आधारित अनुच्छेद होते है। A Previous Year Legal Translation has been given with solution.
IBPS SO Rajbhasha Adhikari Mains comprises two Professional Knowledge Tests - Objective Professional Knowledge Test and Descriptive Professional Test comprising two Passages for translation from Hindi to English and from English to Hindi.
The RHC Translator Exam comprises two Papers containing 6 Passages in totality for translation from English to Hindi and from Hindi to English. The Passages will be extracts from Judgments and Legal Records. These may also be based on the Indian Constitution, IPC, Writs, or some general topics. Make a better strategy keeping in mind the following things:
Rajasthan High Court Translator exam is conducted by RHC through a written exam comprising two Papers containing three passages for translation in each paper.
Legal Passage asked in Rajasthan High Court Translator exam helping you prepare for the exam in a better way.
This is a quiz on Translation from English to Hindi important for translator exams like AIIMS JHT, SSC JHT, DRDO JTO, ISRO JTO and the others
Hindi and English MCQs with solution for SSC JHT Paper-1 Exam
In the Madhya Pradesh Junior Judicial Translator (MPJJT) Examination, a lot of questions on Legal Translation are asked. Learn how to use legal terms and maxims.