In all
Translation Exams, the Translation Section plays a game changing role in final
selection. These exams may consist of MCQs on Translation or of Passages for
translation. But all these are computer-based tests (CBT) in which answers are
fed by means of a keyboard. The questions on translation are most likely to be
based on Insurance, and Banking and Financial Sectors. The following are a few
sample MCQs that will help you prepare the exams accordingly: -
पॉलिसीधारको को नवीकरण प्रीमियम का भुगतान करते
समय वर्तमान ब्योरा को अद्यतन करने के लिए प्रेरित करें और सूचनाएँ तदनुसार
प्रेषित करें।
- Prompt
the policyholders at the time of payment of renewal premium to update the
existing details and send intimations accordingly.
- Motivate
the policyholders to update the current details while paying renewal
premium and send the information accordingly.
- To
update the existing details, prompt the policyholders at the time of
payment of renewal premium and send intimations accordingly.
- Both A
& C-
- None
उपभोक्ताओं का पता लगाने के लिए संबंधित एजेंटों, मध्यवर्तियों, सामूहिक मास्टर पॉलिसीधारकों और
अपेक्षा में संबद्ध अन्य वितरण माध्यमों को उत्तरदायी बनाएं तथा संपर्क का विवरण,
बैंक खाता विवरण आदि को अद्यतन बनाएं।
- Make the
concerned agents, intermediaries, group master policyholders and other
distribution channels associated with the requirement be responsible for
tracking the consumers and update the contact details, bank account
details etc.
- Make the
respective agents accountable and intermediaries, group master policy
bearers and other distribution means too to solicit to trace consumers and
update the contact details, bank passbook etc.
- Make
accountable the respective agents, intermediaries, group master
policyholders and other distribution channels involved in the solicitation
for tracing of consumers and update the contact details, bank account
details etc.
- To trace
the consumers, make the respective agents, intermediaries, group master
policyholders and other distribution channels responsible updating the
contact details, bank account details etc.
- None
वर्तमान पॉलिसियों के लिए निरंतर केवाईसी
प्राप्त करते रहें, और वयस्कता प्राप्त करने के
तत्काल बाद अवयस्कों का पुनः केवाईसी प्राप्त करें।
- Keep
getting continuous KYC for existing policies, and get re-KYC of minors
immediately after attaining majority.
- Undertake
ongoing KYC for existing policies, and Re-KYC of minors on their
immediately attaining adulthood.
- For
current policies, continue to obtain KYC and KYC again should be obtained
immediately after attaining adulthood.
- B &
- None
यह सुनिश्चित करें कि वर्तमान और नये उपभोक्ताओं
की मोबाइल संख्या और ई-मेल पतों को स्वयमेव विधिमान्य बनाने के लिए सुस्पष्ट
प्रणालियाँ लागू किए गए है की नहीं।
- Make
sure that clear procedures have been implemented to automatically validate
the mobile numbers and email addresses of current and new users.
- Ensure
whether fool-proof systems have been enforced to automatically validate
mobile numbers and email addresses of existing and new consumers.
- Make
sure that clear systems have automatically implemented to authenticate the
mobile numbers and email addresses of existing and new users.
- Ensure
that fool-proof systems are in place to automatically validate mobile
numbers and e-mail addresses of existing and new subscribers.
- None
उपभोक्ता का पता लगाने के लिए क्रेडिट ब्यूरो, लेखा-संग्राहकों, सीएससी/पीओएस, ई-कॉमर्स पोर्टलों के साथ संपर्क में रहें।
- Engage
with Credit Bureaus, Account Aggregators, CSC/POS, e-commerce portals for
tracing consumers.
- Stay connected
with credit bureaus, account actuaries, CSCs/POSs, e-commerce portals to
trace the consumer.
- Be in
touch with credit bureaus, account collectors, CSCs/POSs, e-commerce
portals to search consumers.
- A &
- None
जिन उपभोक्ताओं का पता नहीं चल रहा है, उन तक पहुँचने के लिए प्रिंट/डिजिटल मीडिया में विज्ञापन करें।
- Advertise
in print/digital media to reach out to consumers who are not traceable.
- To reach
the consumers whose whereabouts are unknown, we will advertise in
print/digital media.
- Advertise
in print/digital media to find out the whereabouts of consumers who are
- To reach
out to untraceable consumers, get it printed in print/digital media.
- None
उपभोक्ता को भेजे गये सभी संदेशों में उपभोक्ता
को सूचित करते हुए एक फुटनोट डालेंगे कि कोई परिवर्तन होने की स्थिति में वह अपने
संपर्क के विवरण, नामिती के विवरण और बैंक के विवरण को
अद्यतन करें।
- In all
communications sent to consumers, include a foot-note advising them to
update their contact details, nominee details and bank account details in
case of any change.
- All
messages sent to the consumer includes a footnote informing the customer
to update his/her contact details, nominee details and bank details in
case of any change.
- All
information to be sent to consumers include a foot-note which advises them
to update his/her contact details, nomination details and bank account
details in case any change occurs.
- Include
a foot-note advising consumers to update their contact details, nomination
details and bank account details in case any change is to be made.
- none
पॉलिसीधारकों को सुरक्षा के लॉग-इन के साथ किसी
भी समय ई-मेल विवरण, बैंक विवरण, और नामिती के विवरण सहित, अपने संपर्क के ब्योरे को
अद्यतन करने में समर्थ बनाने के लिए बीमाकर्ता की वेबसाइट/पॉर्टल/ऐप में व्यवस्था
- Manage
arrangements in their website/portal/app to unable policyholders to update
their contact details, which are included email information, banking
details, and nominee details, along with security log-ins, at any time.
- Make
provisions in the insurer’s website/portal/App to enable policyholders to
update their contacts including E-mail-id’s, bank details and nominee
details at any point of time with secure login.
- Make
arrangements in an insurance company’s website/portal/app to enable policy
bearers for update of contact details including his/her email information,
banking details and nominee details along with secure log-ins at any time.
- A &
- None
परिपक्वता दावों और उत्तरजीविता लाभों के संबंध
में अग्रिम सूचनाएँ कम से कम 6 महीने पहले अग्रिम रुप से सभी
संभव पद्धतियों के द्वारा भेजेंगे।
- Send
advance notification in respect of maturity claims and survival benefits
at least 6 months in advance through all possible modes.
- Send
advance intimations regarding mature claims and survival benefits at least
6 months before through all possible means.
- The
advanced notices regarding maturity claims and survival benefits will be
sent at least 6 months in advance by all possible means in advance.
- All of
the above
- None of
the above
बीमाकर्ताओं के वेबसाइटों में जब उपभोक्ता उनको
देय राशियों को पहचानते है तब अदावी राशियों के प्रसंस्करण और भुगतान के लिए
ऑनलाइन साधन भी विकसित करें।
- When
consumers identify the amounts owed to insurers on the websites of
insurers, they will develop online resources as well for the processing
and payment of non-due amounts.
- Develop
online sources too to process and paying of non-due amounts as consumers
know the amount owed to them in the website of insurers.
- Develop
online modes too for processing and payment of unclaimed amounts once the
consumers identify the amounts owed to them in the websites of insurers.
- Develop
online means as well for processing and paying of due amounts when
consumers identify the due amounts in the insurers’ websites.
- None
Ans: 1. D 2.
C 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. C
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