1.   समृद्धि का विलोम शब्द क्या है?

a.  विपन्नता

b.  निर्धनता

c.  संकट

d.  दुर्बलता

2.   "चमत्कारिक" का पर्यायवाची क्या है?

a.  अद्वितीय

b.  अनुपम

c.  असाधारण

d.  सभी

3.   गुदड़ी का लालका सही अर्थ क्या है?

a.  साधारण परिवार में प्रतिभाशाली व्यक्ति

b.  अमीर परिवार का व्यक्ति

c.  लाल रंग का कपड़ा

d.  संघर्षशील व्यक्ति

4.   'भक्ति आंदोलन' के दो प्रमुख संत कवि कौन-कौन थे?

a.   तुलसीदास और सूरदास

b.   कबीर और रहीम

c.   तुलसीदास और कबीर

d.   सूरदास और मीराबाई

5.   Which word is closest in meaning to "courage"?

a.   Fear

b.   Bravery

c.   Anxiety

d.   Nervousness

6.   Which word has multiple meanings in the sentence "The lead of the story was very interesting"?

a.   Story

b.   Lead

c.   Interesting

d.   The

Read the given passage carefully and select the most appropriate answer to the questions that follow.

Mr Harrison, who was really a cousin of the boy’s father, had done a lot for Rusty, and that was why the boy was afraid of him. Since his parents had died, Rusty had been kept, fed and paid for, and sent to an expensive school in the hills that was run on ‘exclusively European lines’. He had, in a way, been bought by Mr Harrison. And now he was owned by him. And he must do as his guardian wished. Rusty was ready to do as his guardian wished: he had always obeyed him. But he was afraid of the man, afraid of his silence and of the ginger moustache and of the supple Malacca cane that lay in the glass cupboard in the drawing-room.

7.   Identify the correct theme of the passage.

a.   The passage talks about two best friends, the writer and Rusty.

b.   The boy wasn't afraid of Mr Harrison, and always played around him.

c.   The passage is centred around Rusty and his relationship with his guardian, Mr Harrison. *

d.   The passage tells us how orphans should be kept.

8.   Choose the correctly spelled word:

a.   Calendar

b.   Calender

c.   Callendar

d.   Calandear

9.   2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार, भारत की कुल जनसंख्या कितनी थी?

a.  अरब

b.  1.2 अरब

c.  1.3 अरब

d.  1.4 अरब

10. हाल ही में निम्न मे से किस देश के मनोनीत राष्ट्रपति ने तुलसी गबार्ड को नेशनल इंटेलिजेंस का डायरेक्टर के पद पर नियुक्त किया है ?

a.   कनाडा

b.   पाकिस्तान

c.   अमेरिका *

d.   सिंगापुर

1. a

2. d

3. a

4. c

5. b

6. b

7. c

8. a

9. b

10. c

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