Railway Recruitment Board issues notification for Translator Post. The exam conducted by it consists of two phases - Phase one comprising Maths, Reasoning, GS, English and Hindi of 100 questions carrying 100 marks. One third is the negative mark for each wrong answer. The following is the exam pattern of the Phase - 1:


On completion of the Phase - 1 exam, the phase-2 exam is conducted, which consists of two Questions - one from Hindi to English Translation and the other from English to Hindi Translation, carrying 100 marks. It is totally qualifying in nature; but you need to score 60% to qualify. The Translation asked in the exam is not tough. If you have clear concept about some fundamental Chapters of English, you can qualify in this phase quite easily. The following is the Translation asked previously in the year 2021:

अमेरिका वाशिंगटन डीसी में रहने वाले एक मित्र ने बताया गर्मी की रात में तापमान बढ़ने और आर्दता में कमी होने के कारण टमाटर के पौधे कम फल दे रहे है और उसे नष्ट कर रहे। सामान्यतः बगीचे में दिखाई देने वाले भंवरें भी अब दिखाई नहीं पड़ रहे रहे है। विषलतायें पहले से और मजबूत और अधिक खुजली उत्पन्न कर रहे है। जलवायु परिवर्तन से स्थानीय व्यापार प्रभावित हो रहा है। अलास्का में हिमनद पिघलने से नदी की तरफ जाने के रस्ते आंशिक रूप से अवरुद्ध हो गए हैं।

हल देखेे - 

A friend living in America, Washington, D.C., said that owing to the increase in temperature and decrease in humidity on summer nights, tomato plants are yielding less fruit and getting destroyed. The bumblebees usually seen in the garden are also not visible now. Poisonous creepers/vines are even much stronger and itchier than before. Local businesses are getting affected by climate change. In Alaska, the paths leading to the river have become partially blocked owing to melting glaciers.

Mocks available for RRB Translator Exam. Install Anandam Tutorials Application for Google Play Store.