What is the difference between As long as and As far as

As long as = So long as = During the period that (showing Time) – जब तक As far as = So far as = Upto = To the extent that (showing Distance) – जहां तक Examples As long as Read more

Translation for SSC JHT Exams

SSC conducts Junior Hindi Translator (JHT) Exams every year. An aspirant who has had Hindi or English as the Main Subject in Degree Courses is eligible for it. The following is a Translation Passage in Hindi. Translate it into English Read more

Translation for JHT Exam Practice

निम्न का अनुवाद अंग्रेजी में करें और फिर अनुदित अभ्यास को उत्तर अनुवाद से मिलाएं इस बार बिहार में एक भयंकर बाढ़ आई. धन की हानि हुई. फसलें नष्ट हो गई और मवेशी बह गए. अनेक माकन गिर गए. बाढ़ Read more

How to learn Words for CAT

Hello Friends, Words play a vital role in Competitive Exams. A word may have different meanings. The words for CAT Examination are a bit different. The aspirants must learn words with their different usage. Just take an example: Directions: In Read more

Word Power Made easy by Anandam

Hello Friends, Never cram words; just play with the words you come across. Every word has its own identity; just try to identify it. Believe me, the words learn in this way will become your friends for ever. A word Read more

Narration Test with Answers| English Free Online Tests

A statement can be made in two ways- directly and indirectly. The statement made directly without making any change is called ‘Direct Narration’ and the statement made indirectly with some changes is called ‘Indirect Narration’. The Direct Narration is enclosed Read more

Is Gandhism relevant in Today’s World Essay

There is a famous Latin maxim: Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum. English meaning – If you want peace, prepare for war. Keeping this maxim in mind, many countries are in the rat-race of hoarding huge piles of arms and Read more

Direct and Indirect Speech Online Test | English Narration Quiz

Narration means ‘Making some particular statement about someone or something’. It is of two types: Direct Speech (He says to me, ‘I know you.’) Indirect Speech (He says that he knows me.) The following is a quiz consisting of 10 Read more

Free Online Quiz on Narration for SSC Exams

‘Narration’ means ‘Telling of something’. We can tell something in two ways: In a direct way called ‘Direct Narration’ and In an indirect way called ‘Indirect Narration‘ Let’s take some examples: The Prime Minister said, ‘Let’s transform our dreams into Read more

Mahatma Gandhi as a Management Guru

‘Generations to come, it may well be, will scarcely believe that such a man as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.’ Albert Einstein The statement above by Albert Einstein on Mahatma Gandhi was not made offhand. Read more

What is the difference between So and Too

SO ‘So’ means ‘to the extent’ (इतना) – Formal English ‘So’ means ‘very’ (बहुत) – Informal English ‘So’ takes ‘that’ in sense of ‘Cause’ and ‘Effect’ ‘So’ takes ‘as’ in sense of ‘Comparison’ Examples: The baby is so cute. – Read more

British English Phonetic Symbols with Examples in Hindi

phonetic script with hindi sounds

अंग्रेजी पढ़े अंग्रेजों की तरह! यह तभी संभव है जब आप ध्वनि संकेतों (Phonetic Symbols) की सही जानकारी रखते है. अंग्रेजी भाषा में ऊतार चढ़ाव का काफी महत्व है और इसकी मदद से सीखी गयी अंग्रेजी ही सहज रूप से बोली गयी अंग्रेजी होती है. चले इसके बारे में थोड़ा विस्तार से चर्चा करते है-