Translation Exercise for JHT Exam

Translate the following into Hindi – asked in PGDT Exam Dec. 2018 The leopards are found across snowy mountains of a dozen countries in Central and South Asia, but their numbers had declined in recent decades as hunters sought their Read more

SSC JHT Descriptive Paper Translation Practice

दिए गए उद्धरण का अनुवाद करने से पहले निम्न शब्दों को याद कर ले: महत्वपूर्ण – Crucialतटस्थता – Adherenceअनिश्चितता- Uncertaintiesसशक्त – Strongनिरंकुश – Arbitraryआपातकाल – Emergencyदायित्वपूर्ण ढंग से – Accountably अब निम्न उद्धरण का अनुवाद करके अपने अनुदित पाठ का Read more

SSC JHT Descriptive Paper के लिए अनुवाद अभ्यास

SSC JHT Descriptive Paper के लिए अनुवाद अभ्यास नियमित रूप से किया करें. अनुवाद आप रातों-रात नहीं सिख सकतें है. कोशिश यह जरूर करें कि आप शुद्ध हिंदी और शुद्ध अंग्रेजी बोलें. किसी अंग्रेजी शब्द का हिंदी नहीं स्मरण आ Read more

JHT Descriptive Paper Essays and Tips

दोस्तों JHT – 2019 के प्रथम चरण की परीक्षा समाप्त हो चुकी है। आशा करते है कि यह परीक्षा अच्छी गई होगी। आपलोगों में जिस किसी की भी यह परीक्षा थोड़ी भी अच्छी गई होगी उनका पुरा चांस बनता है Read more

Descriptive Paper for JHT Exam Essay Economic Slowdown

In any geographical area, Economic Slowdown is a situation in which economic activities go down. This situation can also be called ‘Economic Recession’; people’s spending capacity goes down in this situation. It may be cyclic or occur after some particular Read more

Essays for Junior Hindi Translator Exam

Farmers’ Income will double by 2022. Is it a mirage? The Indian Economy is an Agriculture based economy. About 50% population depends on farming. In the 1950s, half of India’s GDP came from this sector, however, its contribution to GDP Read more

Junior Hindi Translator Descriptive Paper Essay

Pollution: A Menace Pollution in general sense refers to the presence of a substance harmful to the living entities. It may occur either in air or in water, in soil or in sound. It has reached its height affecting the Read more

JHT Descriptive Paper Essay on Digital India

Digital Literacy refers to that kind of ability which is used to gain information and communication technology. The more a country is digitally literate, the more developed it is considered. India is the second-largest country in the world. Almost 6,50,000 Read more

JHT Essay on ‘Financial Inclusion’

Financial inclusion – A requirement for all ages in India Financial Inclusion means including people of all factions in the economic system of the country. Its main objective is to enable the financial system to reach out to even the Read more

JHT Descriptive Paper Essay on ‘Can India be a 5 Trillion Economy by 2014?’

Can India be a 5 Trillion Economy by 2024? India has been steadily growing amid lots of ups and downs. In fact, Bharat has transformed into India. When India got Freedom, its economy was quite insufficient to even feed its Read more

SSC JHT Descriptive Paper Preparation on Essay ‘Water Crisis’

Dear Friend, After the Prelims of Translator Exams in India, you’ve to focus on preparing for Descriptive Paper containing one Essay in Hindi and one in English. The following is an Essay on ‘Water Crisis in India’ or ‘Water Crisis-a Read more

JHT, Hindi Pradhyapak, JHT, PGDT के लिए अनुवाद कैसे सीखें

दोस्तों, अनुवाद एक जटिल प्रक्रिया है. इसे सिखने के लिए निम्न बातों पर ध्यान दिया जाता है: श्रोंत भाषा की सही जानकारी लक्ष्य भाषा की सही जानकारी श्रोंत और लक्ष्य भाषा में प्रयोग की जाने वाली लोकोक्तियों या मुहावरेदार अभिव्यक्तियों Read more