Scansion of Day after day, day after day from The Ancient Mariner

The following is the Scansion and the Prosodic Name of the scanned Extract from the Narrative Poem ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ by S.T. Coleridge. Now Scan the following following Poem and check the answer Day after day, day Read more

Metre and Foot in Scansion of a Poem

Scansion Part – V Please go through the following previous parts of Scansion: How to Scan a Poem Part-I How to Scan a Poem Part-II How to Scan a Poem Part-III How to Scan a Poem Part-IV How to Scan Read more

How to do Scansion of a poem-in Hindi

Scansion Part – I (Syllables and their Kinds) Scansion is an act of dividing a verse line into accented and unaccented syllables and grouping it into regular feet. It aims at the examination of the metrical correctness of a line. Read more