Social, Political, Literary and Religious condition during Chaucer’s Age

Memorable Points on Chaucer’s Age

  • Chaucer’s Age witnessed three kings-Edward III, Richard II and Henry IV
  • It was the midsummer of English chivalry, which is portrayed in Chaucer’s ‘Knightes Tales’ dealing with successive wars with France and the famous victories of Crecy and Poictiers.
  • The age underwent pestilence after pestilence ravaging the land.
  • In 1348-49 came the awful epidemic called the Black Death, which took away the lives almost a third of the entire population. It re-appeared in 1362, 1367 and 1370.
  • After the Black Death came Plague.
  • French Wars occurred in which Edward II emerged victorious but Edward’s imposition of heavy taxes on the public causing theft, robbery and the other.
  • The despotic rule of Richard II aggravated the situation.
  • Corruption in churches multiplied. Clergymen were leading a godless life, amassing wealth at the cost of the welfare of the people in general.
  • The ‘Morning Star of the Reformation’ John Wycliffe emerged who with the help of his disciples produced a complete English version of the Bible which was the first translation of the scriptures into any modern vernacular tongue.
  • The influence of the Italian writers Petrarch (1304-1374) and Boccaccio (1313-1375) could easily be noticed in England. Chaucer’s ‘The Canterbury Tales’ was highly influenced by the writing of ‘Boccaccio’.

Read out the following Articles. Click the Links:

Critical Analysis of the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer
Critical Analysis of the Canterbury Tales in Hindi
Geoffrey Chaucer-At a glance
Social, Political and Religious Condition during Chaucer’s Age

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