Sentence Arrangement | Quiz 3

ssc jht sentence arrangement tips

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  1.   The Great Lakes are a group of

P.    Superior is so called not because it is the largest,

Q.    on the border between the USA and Canada.

R.     five fresh water lakes in North America

S.      but because it is higher upstream than the others.

6.    Heron takes its name from the name French settlers gave it.



  1.   The role of modern youth

P.     as they have to not only

Q.     than that of their forefatehrs

R.      keep the torch of freedom aloft

S.       is far more challenging

6.   but also keep it always lit



  1.   Moder education is bookish

P.   the harsh realities of life.

Q.   imparted in schools and colleges

R.    and divorced from

S.     The so called liberal education

6.  does not help students earn their livelihood.



  1.    youths are the assets and hope of a nation

P.   in making India a great

Q.   steeped in old cultural values

R.   They can play a vital role

S.    democratic, progressive and prosperous country

6.   but equipped with modern scientific look.



  1.  Porcelain became popular at the beginning of the 19th century.

P.    in a kiln at more than 2372 degrees Fahrenheit

Q.    refer to both China and Bisque dolls

R.     Porcelain is made by firing special clays

S.     Porcelain is used generically to

6.   Only a few types of clays can withstand such high temperatures.



  1.    Human behaviours are regulated by their

P.    a person’s working pattern as well as living style

Q.    between these selves has an adverse effect upon

R.    Work done is the self-portrait

S.     real self and social self. Conflict

6.     of the person who did it.



  1.   India is a democratic country

P.    at the hands of our representatives

Q.    but frequent elections

R.    who play political games

S.     make it a mockery

6.    at the cost of the nation.



  1.    Plato’s ‘Republic’ has exercised tremendous influence

P.     He states that statesmen should

Q.     on human thought and intelligence

R.      ingegrity because he felt that, only such men

S.       be men of supreme intelligence and impeccable

6.    could enlighten the darker side of human nature into a positive one



  1.    India has a vibrant space science programme

P.    The Indian space science programme has been working

Q.    formulating an industrial participation policy of science

R.    Covering astronomy, astrophysics and space science.

S.     with cooperative Indian industries and has been

6.    aid the growth of space industry in India



  1.    Shaw read the first few lines of the

P.     and was at once convinced

Q.     he sent a few copies of the book to well known

R.      that he was reading good poetry, so

S.       poem

6.    critics, and awaited their reaction


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