Quiz – Idioms / Phrases

Quiz – Idioms / Phrases

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1. I got confused to differentiate both of them as both take after each other.


2. After the accident, he turned over a new leaf.


3. Talk to Mr. Sharma to get your work done; he has the upper hand in the office.


4. Reading between the lines, he got diverted to solve the questions.


5. The police made after the thieves responsible for the theft of a gold chain of a lady.


6. She cut a sorry figure in the dance competition.


7. She cut a sorry figure in the dance competition.


8. It hurt me greatly as he had turned down my request.


9. The boss is a hard nut to crack; he does not easily yield to the request of students.


10. That his father has died in an accident is a bolt from the blue for all the members of the family.


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