Noun-Quiz for MBA, Bank, SSC Exams

Nouns are all that are felt by our sense organs. These are all that are the inherent quality of everything perceived by such organs. Such as;

  • Sweetness
  • Ability
  • Water
  • Wind
  • Air

1. a) Gangadhar saw Gazadhar / b) using the same / c) two pairs of oxen / d) that he had two years ago. / e) No error.


2. a) After her retiring / b) she established many / c) institutions to train / d) underprivileged but talented children. / e) No error


3. a) The quality / b) of the book’s paper / c) will be low and so the cost of each book / d) will go down. / e) No error.


4. a) The victim / b) urged the leaders of the country / c) to stop politics / d) of the wrong-doings done to her. / e) No error.


5. a) The timid people / b) die many / c) times / d) before their death. / e) No error


6. a) When her falseness / b) was brought to light, / c) she felt ashamed / d) and so decided not to tell a lie again. / e) No error.


7. a) The non-stop increasing / b) in the Indian population / c) has put many hurdles / d) on the way to the country’s development. / e) No error


8. He had promised the ‘seth’ / b) to pay off all his debts / c) if his business / d) made benefit that year. / e) No error.


9. a) The crafty friend / b) has screwed up all the rupees / c) from Rahul by taking advantage / d) of his gullibility. / e) No error.


10. a) Mother advised him / b) that his closure with any person / d) that had bad reputation / d) would inflict pain on him later. / e) No error


11. a) It is the duty / b) of a Commander-in-chief / c) to keep the moral / d) of his men in tact. / e) No error


12. a) This is one of the nicest pen / b) that I bought / c) two years ago in Agra / d) during my summer vacation. / e) No error


13. a) The subjects / b) of the kingdom / c) revolted against the barbarism/ d) of the king. / e) No error.


14. a) Very few customers / b) prefer purchasing goods / c) from his shop / d) as his service is very poor. / e) No error


15. a) His bad advise / b) caused his business / c) to incur heavy loss / (d) and so he decided to switch to some other business. / d) No error


16. a) It is quite unjust / b) to underpay woman-workers / c) for the same work / d) as men workers do. / e) No error.


17. a) Her look was / b) bewitching on the red ‘saree’ / c) and so she remained the centre of attraction / d) as long as the party continued. / e) No error.


18. a) He showered on him many abuses / b) which he could not tolerate / c) and in fit of anger, / d)  he gave him a bunch of fives. / e) No error.


19. a) Behind bar, / b) J.L. Nehru wrote his young daughter, Indira, many letters / c) describing many informative stories about the earth / d) and the emergence of life on it. / e) No error


20. a) The Commander’s-in-chief’s / b) command is considered/ c) supreme for / d) the armed forces. / e) No error


Question 1 of 20

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