Essay Writing exercise – Globalization : SSC JHT Paper 2

Here’s an essay exercise on the topic of globalization and its impact on the economy, using a dot connecting method for organizing ideas and arguments:

Title: Globalization and Its Impact on the Economy


Brief definition of globalization

Importance of globalization for the economy

Overview of the impact of globalization


Dot 1: Positive impact of globalization on the economy

Increased trade and investment opportunities

Access to larger markets and increased competition

More efficient allocation of resources and increased productivity

Dot 2: Negative impact of globalization on the economy

Increased income inequality and job insecurity

Outsourcing and offshoring of jobs to lower-wage countries

Risk of economic dependency and vulnerability to global economic shocks

Dot 3: Policy responses to mitigate the negative impact of globalization on the economy

Investment in education and training to increase human capital

Support for small and medium-sized enterprises to promote local economic development

Implementation of regulations to ensure fair trade and labor standards


Recap of the positive and negative impact of globalization on the economy

Emphasis on the importance of balancing the benefits and costs of globalization

Call to action for policymakers to take a holistic approach to managing the impact of globalization on the economy.

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