Descriptive English Letter Topics for SSC Mains

Dear Friends,

Writing an effective letter requires a good skill. Letters are of two types:
  1. Formal Letter &
  2. Informal Letter

The Formal Letter is written to the point. So, it is very precise. It may be:

  • A Letter to the Editor
  • A Letter to the Principle
  • A Letter to the Police Authority
  • A Letter to the Municipality Corporation/Department
  • A Business Letter

The following letters are to be attempted:

  1. You are Mr. Lahri at Tollyganj Kolkata. Write a letter to a local newspaper about a bad piece of road that is in urgent need of repair before the advent of the rainy season.
  2. Write a Letter to the Editor mentioning how all citizens of India has shown sincere interest in the success of Chandrayan 2.
  3. Write a Letter to the Police Authority about a lost dog. Give particulars of the dog.
  4. You are Mrs. Sharma living at Dariyaganz, New Delhi. Write to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals about a case of cruelty to a cow, giving details including the date and place and name and address of the guilty person.
  5. Write on behalf of your father to a house-agent about a suitable flat, stating clearly your requirements.
  6. Write a letter to your landlord, asking him to carry out certain urgent repairs to your house, and to have the whole building whitewashed.
  7. Write a letter to the Police Station, giving full particulars about a lost bicycle. Offer a reward for recovery.
  8. Write a letter to the Editor about the New Vehicle Act-2019 mentioning how it is important for Road-safety. Also mention the public rage over excessive penalty on breaching the traffic rules.
  9. Write a letter to the Editor telling him how ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Movement’ is transforming the life of Girl Children.
  10. Write a Letter to the Postmaster about the non-delivery of a Parcel.
  11. Write a Letter to the Editor about ‘Global Warming’ that the whole world is facing very drastically.
  12. Write a Letter to the Editor about ‘Swacchata Abhiyan’.
  13. Write a Letter to the Police Authority complaining about ‘Eve Teasing’ at the Girls’ College Gate.

The Informal Letter is written to the person you’re very much familiar with. Write it as if you’re just talking to him/her as you usually do. You can address him/her without maintaining any formalities. It may be:

  • A letter to Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Uncle, Friend etc.

Attempt the following Letters of this kind:

  1. Write a Letter to your best friend advising him to insure his life.
  2. Write a Letter to your sick friend telling him that you have shifted to a new house, and describe your new neighborhood.
  3. Suppose you have received a letter from your father complaining about the idleness and extravagant habits of your younger brother. Write a letter to the younger brother, expressing your disapproval of his conduct and urging him to mend his ways.
  4. Write a Letter to your friend condoling him on his Grandmother’s death. You are Saroj living at Sankari Tola Street, Kolkata, 7,00014.
  5. Write a letter to your younger brother telling him about the importance of Games and Sports.
  6. Write a letter to your younger brother informing him about the ill-effects of overuse of mobile phones.
  7. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to the marriage of your sister.
  8. Write a letter to your younger brother giving him Career Guidance on his completion of 10+2 Examination.

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