Translator Exams SSC JHT | Rajbhasha Adhikari – How to prepare online

how to prepare for ssc jht and rajbhasha adhikari exam online

Translator Exams are soon going to be online. It is possible as the Rajbhasha Adhkari Exams are being successfully conducted for the Essay-section. So, gird up your loins keeping this in mind. You can carry out your studies online. Please, Read more

SSC JHT and Rajbhasha Adhikari Syllabus, Eligibility & FAQs

SSC JHT परीक्षा में अंतिम रूप से चयनित होने के बाद नौकरी किन सरकारी विभागों में मिलती है?
केंद्रीय सचिवालय राजभाषा सेवा में जूनियर अनुवादक (CSOLS)
एम / ओ रेलवे (रेलवे बोर्ड) में जूनियर अनुवादक
सशस्त्र बल मुख्यालय में जूनियर अनुवादक (AFHQ)
जूनियर ट्रांसलेटर (JT) / अधीनस्थ कार्यालयों में जूनियर हिंदी ट्रांसलेटर (JHT) जिन्होंने JT / JHT के लिए DoP & T के मॉडल RRs को अपनाया है
विभिन्न केंद्र सरकार के मंत्रालयों / विभागों / कार्यालयों में वरिष्ठ हिंदी अनुवादक

SSC JHT and Rajbhasha Adhikari Syllabus, Eligibility and difference

SSC JHT 2020 FAQs SSC JHT किस तरह की परीक्षा है? कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भारत सरकार में विभिन्न मंत्रालयों / विभागों / संगठनों के लिए जूनियर हिंदी अनुवादक, वरिष्ठ हिंदी अनुवादक की भर्ती के लिए एक खुली प्रतियोगी परीक्षा है। Read more

SSC JHT Hindi Question Pattern

नमस्कार बंधू, एक विशेष रणनीति से ही छोटे से छोटे या बड़े से बड़े युद्ध जीते जा सकते है. रणनीति के तहत हम जिससे युद्ध जितना चाहते है उसके निर्बल पक्ष और सबल पक्ष का विश्लेषण करते है. यह जानते Read more

SSC Junior Hindi Translator English Paper-I in 2019

Click here for Questions Nos. 72-85 Comprehension: Read the passage and select the most appropriate options to answer the questions that follow. The ground beneath our feet seems rock solid, but our planet’s surface is in fact a dynamic grid Read more

How to prepare for SSC JHT Exam Paper-I

For Questions Nos. 72-85 Dear SSC JHT Aspirant, Here are the Questions asked previously in SSC JHT English Paper Exam -1 Comprehension: Read the passage and select the most appropriate options to answer the questions that follow. I was somehow Read more

Questions asked in SSC JHT Paper I 2019

Click here for Questions Nos 52-62 Q.63 Select the option that arranges sentences A, B, C and D in a logical sequence. A. Of this about 60% gets recycled, according to the Union environment ministry. B. India generates at least Read more

All 100 Previous Year Questions of SSC JHT-2019

For Questions Nos 41-51 click here Q.52 Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word. No wonder the burglars are at large. The police is in ______ with them. Ans 1. collusion 2. collision 3. corroboration 4. contention Q.53 Read more

JHT Exam Questions asked in Paper-I in 2019

Click here for Questions Nos 31-40 Q.41 Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom. In one’s element Ans 1. in one’s favour 2. in a disguise 3. in a comfortable situation 4. in a cheerful mood Comprehension: Read Read more

SSC Previous Year Translator Exam Questions with keys-2019

Click here for Questions Nos 11-20 Click here for Questions Nos 21-30 Q.31 Select the option which correctly converts the given sentence into direct speech. He exclaimed with regret that he had behaved very rudely with his colleagues. Ans 1. Read more

SSC JHT Previous Year Questions 2019

Click here for Questions Nos 11-20 Click here for Questions Nos. 1-10 Q.21 Identify the segment that contains a grammatical error. If there is no error, select ‘No error’. There are several ways of increase production from the same piece Read more

SSC Translator Exam Questions asked in Paper I 2019

Click here for Questions No. 1-10 Comprehension: Read the given passage and fill in the blanks with the most appropriate options. All of us work to ward off starvation or to gain sufficient material wealth with a view to maintaining Read more