Rapid Fillers for Bank, SSC Exams

The following is a Cloze Test without options. Comprehend it and fill in the blanks with appropriate words. Then match your answers by clicking on the toggle given below- The farmers of America, Canada, Britain and the others are said Read more

Cloze Test

Keep the following in mind to solve the problems relating to Cloze Test Proper knowledge of Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Proper knowledge of Prepositional Usage Good Comprehension A Transitive Verb is a verb which takes a Subject after itself; whereas Read more

How to describe food

Hindi English खाना स्वादिष्ट है The food is tasty/The food is sumptuous खाना स्वादिष्ट है The food is delicious खाना लाजवाब है The food is excellent खाना मुंह में पानी ला देने वाला है The food is mouth-watering खाना स्वास्थ्यवर्धक Read more

Difference between Much too and Too much

Much too – Adverb (काफी) – used before Adjectives Too much – Adjective (काफी) – used before the Nouns showing Quantity Examples:- The tea is much too hot. – Correct (चाय काफी गर्म है) The tea is too much hot. – Incorrect Read more

Superfluous Expressions in English

Superfluous Expressions are such expressions that are redundant or unnecessary to be used. The following are some common superfluous expressions: Come across sb. suddenly – Wrong While going through the newspaper, I suddenly came across this piece of shocking news. Read more


हर कोई अंग्रेजी बोलने कि अभिलाषा रखते है किन्तु सही मार्ग-दर्शन, सही तरीका, सही माहौल और सही अध्ययन सामग्री के अभाव में यह अभिलाषा केवल अभिलाषा बन कर रह जाती है. यह प्लेटफार्म एक प्रयास है जिसमे आप कई तरह की जानकारियां प्राप्त करेंगे.

English Grammar

‘Grammar’ एक यूनानी शब्द से आया है जिसका अर्थ है ‘Letter’. जब यह शब्द Latin में आया तो यही ‘Gramatica’ हुआ, French में आया तो Grammaire हुआ और अंग्रेजी में आया तो Grammar हुआ.Grammar की सटीक जानकारी बोलने, लिखने और Read more

Noun-Quiz for MBA, Bank, SSC Exams

Nouns are all that are felt by our sense organs. These are all that are the inherent quality of everything perceived by such organs. Such as; Sweetness Ability Water Wind Air

Can ‘to’ take ‘V4’

Objective english for ssc jht

Have you ever noticed that ‘To’ is at once an ‘Infinitive’ and a ‘Preposition’? Yes! ‘To’ is both ‘Infinitive’ and ‘Preposition’.