All 100 Previous Year Questions of SSC JHT-2019

For Questions Nos 41-51 click here

Q.52 Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word. No wonder the burglars are at large.

The police is in ______ with them.


1. collusion

2. collision

3. corroboration

4. contention

Q.53 Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.

A good novelist should be ______ to appeal to the readers’ sentiments.


1. preposterous 2. precarious 3. pretentious 4. perspicacious

Q.54 Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.



1. persevering

2. prodigal

3. languid

4. didactic

Q.55 Identify the segment that contains a grammatical error. If there is no error, select ‘No error’.

Not only the performers but also the audience deserve credit for the success of the musical show.


1. Not only the performers

2. deserve credit for the success

3. but also the audience

4. No error


Read the passage and select the most appropriate options to answer the questions that follow. In all social animals, including man, cooperation and the unity of a group has some foundation in instinct. This is most complete in ants and bees, which apparently are never tempted to anti-social actions and never deviate from devotion to the group or the hive. Up to a point we may admire this unswerving devotion to public duty, but it has its drawbacks; ants and bees do not produce great works of art, or make scientific discoveries or found religions teaching that all ants are sisters. Their social life, in fact, is mechanical, precise and static. We are willing that human life may have an element of turbulence if thereby we can escape such evolutionary stagnation. Every man was a weak and rare species whose survival at first was precarious. At some period, his ancestors came down from trees and lost the advantage of prehensile toes, but gained the advantage of arms and hands. By these changes they acquired the advantage of no longer having to live in the forests. But, on the other hand, the open spaces to which they spread provided a less abundant nourishment than they had enjoyed in the tropical jungles. Sir Arthur Keith estimates that primitive man required two square miles of territory per individual to supply him with food. Judging by the anthropoid apes and by the most primitive communities that have survived into modern times, early man must have lived in small groups not very much larger than families- groups which, at a guess, we may put at say, between fifty and a hundred individuals. Within each group there seems to have been a considerable amount of cooperation but towards all other groups of the same species there was hostility whenever contact occurred. So long as man remained rare, contact with other groups could be occasional and at most times, not very important. Each group had its own territory and conflicts would occur at the frontiers. In those early times, marriage seems to have been confined to the group, so that there must have been a great deal of inbreeding, and varieties, however original, would tend to be perpetuated. If a group increased in numbers to a point where its existing territory was insufficient, it would be likely to come into conflict with some neighbouring group, and in such conflict any biological advantage which one inbreeding group had acquired over the other might be expected to give it the victory, and therefore to perpetuate its beneficial variation. It is obvious that our early and barely human ancestors could not have been acting on a thought out and deliberate policy but must have been prompted by an instinctive mechanism- the dual mechanism of friendship within the tribe and hostility to all others. As the primitive tribe was so small, each individual would intimately know other individuals, so friendly feeling would be coexistent with acquaintanceship.

Q.56 According to the passage the practice of cooperation in man has its basis in


1. devotion

2. authority

3. initiative

4. instinct

Q.57 What is the conclusion that can be arrived at from the passage?


1. Individual initiative is necessary for progress and social cohesion is necessary for survival.

2. Progress is necessary for cooperation and devotion to the group is necessary for survival.

3. Conflict within a group leads to evolutionary stagnation.

4. Hostility is necessary for progress and social cohesion is necessary for survival

Q.58 When the ancestors of primitive man came down from the trees, they gained the advantage of

i. prehensile toes

ii. arms and hands

iii. no longer having to live in the forests

iv. more abundant nourishment


1. i and iv

2. i, ii and iv

3. ii and iii

4. ii, iii and iv

Q.59 For primitive man acquaintanceship often meant friendship because


1. resources were shared among the group members

2. man was acting instinctively

3. marriages were not allowed outside groups

4. small group size facilitated intimate friendships.

Q.60 In primitive man the hostility came into play when


1. frontiers of groups were far removed

2. there was contact with other groups

3. economic motives became dominant

4. there was excessive inbreeding within a group

Q.61 Select the option which correctly converts the given sentence into indirect speech.

She said to you, “I did not know that you bought these things for me yesterday.”


1. She told you that I had not known that you had bought those things for me the previous day.

2. She told you that she did not know that I had bought these things for her yesterday.

3. She told you that you did not know that you bought those things for her yesterday.

4. She told you that she had not known that you had bought those things for her the previous day.

Q.62 Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.



1. raillery

2. embezzlement

3. contusion

4. adulation

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