Free Online Quiz on Narration for SSC Exams

‘Narration’ means ‘Telling of something’. We can tell something in two ways:

  • In a direct way called ‘Direct Narration’ and
  • In an indirect way called ‘Indirect Narration

Let’s take some examples:

  • The Prime Minister said, ‘Let’s transform our dreams into reality.’ – Direct Narration
  • The Prime Minister suggested transforming their dreams into reality. – Indirect Narration

The present Quiz is based on this very chapter. All the questions are very important for Competitive Examinations point of vies. For each wrong answer, -.25 marks will be deducted. You’ll get score after successful submission.

1. Children say, ‘We wish we didn’t take the exams.’


2. All say at once, ‘We are going for a picnic tomorrow.’


3. She has said, ‘I shall be 21 tomorrow.’


4. Samson tells the thirty Philistine youths that he will give them a problem to be sorted out in seven days.


5. Sohrab springs up in a rage and answers that he is not a coward.


6. The men have answered that they are the grooms of the king of this island.


7. The Sultan tells him in excited grief that he will have his revenge on all of them.


8. She says to her father quite firmly, ‘Either you take me or I will go myself.’


9. The angry father will say that he does not think that any argument will move him.


10. The woman says to the children, ‘I cannot live without either of you.’


Question 1 of 10

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