What is the difference between So and Too


  • ‘So’ means ‘to the extent’ (इतना) – Formal English
  • ‘So’ means ‘very’ (बहुत) – Informal English
  • ‘So’ takes ‘that’ in sense of ‘Cause’ and ‘Effect’
  • ‘So’ takes ‘as’ in sense of ‘Comparison’


  • The baby is so cute. – Correct only in Informal English (Spoken English is Informal)
  • The baby is very cute. – Correct
  • I am so late that I cannot catch the bus. (cause and effect)
  • I am not so rich as her father. (Comparison)


  • ‘Too’ means ‘Excessively’ or ‘More than it is required’ (आवश्यकता से ज्यादा) – Formal English
  • ‘Too’ means ‘Very’ (काफी) – Informal English
  • ‘Too’ takes ‘Infinitive’


  • The baby is too cute. – Correct only in Informal English
  • The baby is very cute. – correct. – Correct
  • The baby is too cute not to attract us.
  • The sun is too far for us to reach there.
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