quiz on conjunctions for competitive exams

A Conjunction is a Part of Speech which conjuncts:

  • two words (Radhe and Shyam)
  • two phrases (Shila with her mother and Sushila with her father)
  • two clauses (Shila is gentle but Sushila is not)

The following is a Quiz comprising 15 questions on this chapter. Each question carries 1 mark. For the wrong answer, .25 marks will be deducted:

1. a) He put /b) all his energy in accomplishing /c) the project and /d) he could not do so./e) No error



  • a) The reason for / b) his failure is / c) because he did not work hard; / d) neither does he pay attention to the lecture in the class. / e) No error

3. a) However you may be smart enough, / b) you cannot hoodwink / c) your canny uncle. / d) No error



  • a) I have lived / b) in Delhi / c) when you / d) were very young / e) No error


  • a) Such books / b) which you / c) read will not / d) serve your purpose. / e) No error


  • a) I don’t like / b) the way that / c) you speak to / d) others on the stage. / e) No error

7. a) As he had no alternatives /b) so he was compelled /c) to do such work /d) that no body likes. /e) No error



  • a) She being both beautiful and intelligent /b) enough /c) she was chosen /d) Miss India-2007./No error.

9. a) Not only she offered him /b) some food but she also /c) offered him /d) shelter for a day./e) No error


10. a) He acted so well /b) in dramas as he became /c) the most popular /d) actor in his period./e) No error


11. a) Supposing if /b) everybody goes against / b) your standpoint /c) in the meeting,/d) what will you do?/e) No error


12. a) It is suggested /b) that if it starts raining, /c) you should stay /d) back in the farm house. /e) No error


13. a) As long as the note /b) in your hand is concerned,/c) it is a fake note /d) which is of no value at all./e) No error


14. a) When asked /b) I said that /c) I did not know /d) if I could solve the problem./e) No error


15. a) That is the same /b) man as /c) helped her when /d) she was in dire need of money./ e) No error


Question 1 of 15

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