Scansion of Day after day, day after day from The Ancient Mariner

The following is the Scansion and the Prosodic Name of the scanned Extract from the Narrative Poem ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ by S.T. Coleridge.

Now Scan the following following Poem and check the answer

Day after day, day after day,

We stuck, nor breath nor motion;

As idle as a painted ship

Upon a painted ocean.

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by S. T. Coleridge


Daˈy a˘-/fte˘r daˈy/, daˈy a˘-/afte˘r daˈy,

We˘ stuˈck,/no˘r breˈath/no˘r moˈ-/tion;

A˘s iˈ-/dl˘e aˈs/a˘ paˈint-/te˘d shiˈp

U˘p-oˈn/a˘ paiˈnt-/e˘d oˈ-/ce˘an.

Prosodic name- Iambic Tetrametre and Trimetre

Variations- The Second and fourth lines are Hypermetrical. The first and the third foot of the first line are Trochaic.

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