Scansion-Iambic, Trochee, Spondee, Pyrric

Naming of the Metre used in a Verse-line

A verse-line is named on the basis of the Accented and Unaccented Syllables. The following Names are worth-notable on this basis:

  • Iambic –    ͝     / (Unaccented and then Accented Syllables) – Be˘-giˈn, A˘-boˈve
  • Trochee –  /     ͝    (Accented and Unaccented Syllables) – Suˈf-fe˘r, Teˈn-sio˘n
  • Spondee –  /  /  (Double Accented Syllables consecutively) – Stroˈng miˈnd
  • Pyrrhic –    ͝      ͝    (Double Unaccented Syllables) – a˘n a˘-boˈve-board

Identify the following (Refer to a Dictionary for the purpose)

  • Little
  • Payment
  • Direct
  • Pastime
  • Reverse

Read the following Parts for proper Scansion:

Scansion Part-I
Scansion Part-II
Scansion Part-III

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