SBI Precis Practice

Write the Precis of the following in about one-third of the number of the words given in the passage.
A great part of Arabia is desert. Here there is nothing but sand and rock. The sand is so hot that you cannot walk over with your bare feet in the day time. Here and there n the desert are springs of water that come from deep down under the ground- so deep that the sun cannot dry them up. These springs are few and far apart, but wherever there is one, green grass very soon covers the ground all round it. Soon fig trees and palm trees grow tall and graceful making a cool, green, shady place around the spring. Such a place is called an oasis.
The Arabs who are not in the cities live in the desert all the year round. They live in tents that can be put up and taken very easily and quickly, so that they can move from one oasis to another, seeking grass and water for their sheep, goats camels and horses. These desert Arabs eat ripe, sweet figs, and also the dates that grow upon the palm trees; they dry them, too; and use them as food all the year round. These nomads ride on the camel which is, to them, the ship of the desert. The camel is invaluable for desert Arabs.
Words: 212

Click here for the Precis of the given passage:-

Title- Inhabitants of the Arabian Desert and their life-style

A great part of Arabia is desert. Here and there one finds a few springs of water with shady trees. Grass, fig and palm trees grow around them. This place is called an oasis. The inhabitants there live in tents and move from one oasis to another seeking grass and water for their cattle. These people subsist on figs and dates. The camel is very valuable for them. They call it the ship of the desert.

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