SEBI Grade A : Objective English – Common Errors | RBI | IBPS | SBI

Directions: In the given questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error.

1. a) Born with a silver spoon in his mouth / b) the man of letter / c) J. L. Nehru dreamt of a happy India / d) where there would be no poverty and miasma of ignorance. / e) No error.


2. a) In our society, / b) there is still much abuse / c) which can get the push / d) at the hand of morally strong youth. / e) No error.


3. a) Behind bar, / b) J.L. Nehru wrote his young daughter, Indira, many letters / c) describing many informative stories about the earth / d) and the emergence of life on it. / e) No error.


4. a) He showered on him many abuses / b) which he could not tolerate / c) and in fit of anger, / d) He gave him a bunch of fives. / e) No error.


5. a) Her look was / b) bewitching on the red ‘saree’ / c) and so she remained the centre of attraction / d) as long as the party continued. / e) No error.


6. a) It is quite unjust / b) to underpay woman-workers / c) for the same work / d) as men workers do. / e) No error.


7. a) The Interviewer and Principal / b) got stunned to have learnt / c) that all the mathematical formulas / d) were at the finger tips of Rahul. / e) No error.


8. a) The developing of the country / b) depends on / c) how robust the infrastructure / d) of the country is. / e) No error.


9. a) His bad advise / b) caused his business / c) to incur heavy loss. / d) No error.


10. a) Very few customers / b) prefer purchasing goods / c) from his shop / d) as his service is very poor. / e) No error.


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