SEBI Grade A : Objective English- Spotting Errors Quiz 1

SEBI Objective English quizz

1. a) By the backdoor / b) Mr. Sharma had made a lakhs / c) of rupees / d) since he entered into politics./ e) No error.



  1. a) Gangadhar saw Gazadhar / b) using the same / c) two pairs of oxen / d) that he had two years ago. / e) No error.


  1. a) Despite his means / b) being limited / c) he has been bringing up his issues / d) with due care in his ancestral house. / e) No error.

4. a) When the shepherd had come back home / b) he started counting / c) his sheeps / d) but he found one of them missing. / e) No error.


5. a) How nicely the six year-old child / b) has composed these poetries / c) which are marked / d) by musicality and simplicity. / e) No error.


6. a) Ravi refused playing / b) with his friends / c) as he had to do many homeworks / d) which was to be checked the following day. / e) No error.


7. a) The committee has set forth its / b) different opinions / c) in connection with the issue / d) whether Mr. Khan is to be sacked or not. / e) No error.


8. a) Pimples have made her face / b) so ugly that she shies away / c) from appearing before anybody /d) who comes to see her for the sake of marriage. / e) No error.


9. a) The child finds it / b) very difficult to stand properly / c) for he is severely suffering from ricket / d) caused by Vitamin deficiency. / e) No error.


10. a) Very excitingly did he tell two pieces of news / b) the first about his flying success in the graduate level examination / c) and the second about his elder brother’s final selection in / d) the lecturership examination. / e) No error.


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