SSC Previous Year Translator Exam Questions with keys-2019

Click here for Questions Nos 11-20

Click here for Questions Nos 21-30

Q.31 Select the option which correctly converts the given sentence into direct speech.

He exclaimed with regret that he had behaved very rudely with his colleagues.


1. He said, “Aha! How rudely I have behaved with my colleagues.”

2. He said, “Alas! How rudely have I behaved with my colleagues!”

3. He said, “Bravo! What rudely have I behaved with my colleagues.

4. He said, “Oh! So rudely I have behaved with my colleagues.”

Q.32 Select the correct passive voice of the given sentence.

Do not disturb me while I am preparing my project report.


1. I am not to be disturb while I prepare my project report.

2. Let me not being disturbed while I am preparing my project report.

3. I should not have been disturbed while I was preparing my project report.

4. I should not be disturbed while I am preparing my project report.

Q.33 Select the option that arranges sentences A, B, C and D in a logical sequence.

A. But unfortunately, this so-called best friend has turned a foe.

B. These changes can produce fatigue, dizziness and loss of concentration.

C. The cell phone has now usurped the dog’s place to become man’s best friend.

D. Research studies have concluded that the microwave frequencies penetrating the heads of cell phone users can cause adverse neurological changes.






Q.34 Select the option that arranges sentences A, B, C and D in a logical sequence.

A. This reputation overwhelms his record and when people think of him, their first thought is his temper, not his great record.

B. He is one of two coaches in college history with 800 or more victories.

C. Basketball coach Bob Knight won three NCAA titles at Indiana University.

D. But he also has a well- documented history of arguing violently with referees.






Q.35 Select the option which correctly converts the given sentence into indirect speech.

I said, “Let us not jump to a conclusion but wait till we get confirmation of this rumour.”


1. I suggested that let me not jump to a conclusion but wait till I get confirmation of that rumour.

2. I said that we shall not jump to a conclusion but wait till we got confirmation of this rumour.

3. I said that we should not jump to a conclusion but wait till we get confirmation of this rumour.

4. I suggested that we should not jump to a conclusion but wait till we got confirmation of that rumour.

Q.36 Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.



1. robust

2. righteous

3. reserved

4. radical

Q.37 Select the option that arranges sentences A, B, C and D in a logical sequence.

A. Her first trip was in 1996 as a third year college student.

B. Her interaction with locals and Tibetan refugees has further helped her to understand the psyche of displaced individuals.

C. Since then the fight for Tibetan identity has fascinated her.

D. A large part of Shalini Vichitra ‘s creations on displacement is influenced by her travels to Ladakh.






Q.38 Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment. If no substitution is required select ‘No substitution’.

The player was so exhausted to continuing playing the match.


1. so exhausted to continue to play

2. too exhausted to continue playing

3. No substitution

4. so exhausted to continuously played

Q.39 Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

To bear the palm


1. to be in a difficulty

2. to be very rich

3. to bear the burden

4. to be the winner

Q.40 Select the correct active voice of the given sentence.

They were questioned by the immigration officer.


1. The immigration officer was questioning them.

2. The immigration officer will question them.

3. The immigration officer is questioning them.

4. The immigration officer questioned them.

Click here for Quizzes on Grammatical Chapters from Noun to Conjunction

Click here for Translation Exercises for Rajbhasha Adhikari and SSC JHT Exams

Click for SSC JHT Previous Year Questions

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