How to attempt an Essay for Bank, SSC Exams

Namaskar Aspirant, Hope that you are getting on well with your studies with indomitable confidence and sincerity. Wishing you a very bright career ahead, I am helping you build up your Descriptive Examination Skills. The Materials prepared here are adaptive Read more

PGDT, JHT, Rajbhasha Adhikari Translation

निम्न का अनुवाद अंग्रेजी में करें: तुलनात्मक साहित्य एक भाव है ऐसा भाव जो उन्य साहित्यों के प्रति षालीनता दिखाता है। और बिना किसी भेद भाव का यह हमलोगों मे होना चाहिए। यह जन्य संस्कृति या भाशा साहित्य जैसे को Read more

SSC JHT sample papers for Translation

sample paper of ssc jht translation

He lost heart and started to hate toil. Hope is the mother of zest: in hope there is life, strength and glory. Hope is the motive force of all life. He lost hope and grew indifferent. The necessities which he had been denying to himself for a whole year appeared no longer as beggars at his thresh-hold, but rather as monsters gripping his throat that would not let go their hold without receiving the offering which was their due!

Essay on Bank Mergers – a must to make India a 5 Trillion Dollar Economy

Bank Mergers Friends, Banks are the backbone of the social and economic structure of any country. They allow deposits from the public and create credits. It is banks which bring about mobility of money so that it may reach out Read more

Learn Translation for SSC and Bank Exams

Translate the following into English:- अब बड़े-बड़े शहरों में दाइयां, नर्सें और लेडी डॉक्टर, सभी पैदा हो गयी है. लेकिन देहातों में जच्चेखाने पर अभी तक अशिक्षित दाइयों का ही प्रभुत्व है और निकट भविष्य में इसमें कोई तबदीली की Read more

Interview Questions for RBI, NABARD, IBPS Rajbhasha Adhikari

मित्रों, हिंदी हमारी राजभाषा है जिसे जन-जन तक फ़ैलाने और इसका सामसिक विकास करने के लिए संविधान की धारा 351 हर संघीय राज्य को यह निर्देश देती है. राजभाषा सरकारी काम-काज की भाषा है. देश की जन-जन की बोली राष्ट्रभाषा Read more

Essay on Women Security for SSC JHT, NABARD, RBI Exams

Women Security in India There is a Sanskrit Shloka: Yatra naryastu pujyante, Natra tisthati naradah. The meaning of the above Shloka is ‘Where women are worshipped/respected, god exists.’ In other words, ‘Women bring prosperity and harmony if they are respected. Read more

Essay on Atal Jal Yojan for SSC, Bank Exams

ABHY(Atal Bhujal Yojna) Introduction Atal Bhujal Yojna also known as ‘Atal Jal’ is a scheme launched by Prime Minister Shree Narendra Modi on the 95th Birth Anniversary of the former Prime Minister Shree Atal Bihari Vajpayee on 25th December 2019. Read more

Previous Year Essay Topics in SSC JHT Paper 2 exam

बंधू, जिस परीक्षा की तैयारी आप कर रहे है या करना चाहते है उस परीक्षा के बारे में अच्छी तरह जानना आवश्यक है. उस परीक्षा में कैसे प्रश्न आते है, किस पाठ से ज्यादा आते है, परीक्षा कितने अंकों की Read more

Anuwad asked in RBI Grade A Rajbhasha Adhikari 2019

The following Passage was asked in RBI Grade A Rajbhasha Adhikari Exam in 2019. Translate the following into English. आज का युग कड़ी प्रति-स्पर्धा का युग है. अतः किसी भी व्यावसायिक संस्था की प्रगति और लाभप्रदता कुछ कर्मचारियों के योगदान Read more

Previous Year Question for RBI (RAJBHASHA), GRADE ‘ A ’ – 2006-07

Translate the following Para into Hindi. – 20 Marks After four years of boasting of 9% GDP growth and talking of overtaking China, Indians are reluctant to believe that the economy is headed for a serious fall. But the stock Read more

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