Free Online Quiz on Narration for SSC Exams

‘Narration’ means ‘Telling of something’. We can tell something in two ways: In a direct way called ‘Direct Narration’ and In an indirect way called ‘Indirect Narration‘ Let’s take some examples: The Prime Minister said, ‘Let’s transform our dreams into Read more

Mahatma Gandhi as a Management Guru

‘Generations to come, it may well be, will scarcely believe that such a man as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.’ Albert Einstein The statement above by Albert Einstein on Mahatma Gandhi was not made offhand. Read more

What is the difference between So and Too

SO ‘So’ means ‘to the extent’ (इतना) – Formal English ‘So’ means ‘very’ (बहुत) – Informal English ‘So’ takes ‘that’ in sense of ‘Cause’ and ‘Effect’ ‘So’ takes ‘as’ in sense of ‘Comparison’ Examples: The baby is so cute. – Read more

British English Phonetic Symbols with Examples in Hindi

phonetic script with hindi sounds

अंग्रेजी पढ़े अंग्रेजों की तरह! यह तभी संभव है जब आप ध्वनि संकेतों (Phonetic Symbols) की सही जानकारी रखते है. अंग्रेजी भाषा में ऊतार चढ़ाव का काफी महत्व है और इसकी मदद से सीखी गयी अंग्रेजी ही सहज रूप से बोली गयी अंग्रेजी होती है. चले इसके बारे में थोड़ा विस्तार से चर्चा करते है-

English Translation from Hindi Sentences for JHT and PGDT Exams

हिंदी और अंग्रेजी वाक्यों की संरचना में अंतर देखने मिलता है. निम्नलिखित अनुवाद पर गौर करें- राहुल आसमान में पतंग उड़ाता है ऊपर के वाक्य में यह गौर करें की कौन क्या है और उनका वाक्य में स्थान कहाँ है; Read more

Types of Clauses in English Grammar with Examples

Definition of a Clause A Clause is a part of a longer sentence containing a Subject and a Predicate. It is never considered to be a full sentence. किसी भी बड़े वाक्य का वह भाग जिसका अपना कर्ता और विधेय Read more

Critical Analysis of Untouchable by Mulk Raj Anand

critical analysis of untouchable by mulk raj anand

The story is about a low caste family which earns by cleaning latrines. Lakha is the Jamadar of sweepers. He has three children namely Sohini-a young, beautiful girl, Bakha-an 18 year old boy reluctant to do his father’s task, Rakha-the youngest son.

Common Errors in English Grammar for Bank Exams

Taming Common Errors require sound knowledge of English Grammar. The following is a free online quiz for MBA, Bank, CDS, SSC and other exams. The Quiz consists of 15 Questions each carrying 1 Mark. For each wrong answer -.25 marks Read more

Essay on Skill India Mission for SSC Mains

Skill India Mission Word Limit – 255 Skill India is a movement started on July 15, 2015 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi with an aim to train the youth. Established in 2008, National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) has been active Read more

Essay on Chandrayan 2 for SSC Mains

Chandrayan – 2 Mission Words – 207 The Chandrayan Mission is India’s highly ambitious Mission to be accomplished with a difference. The Indian Space Research Organization ISRO has launched two missions so far namely Chandrayan 1 launched on October 22, Read more

Descriptive English Letter Topics for SSC Mains

Dear Friends, Writing an effective letter requires a good skill. Letters are of two types: Formal Letter & Informal Letter The Formal Letter is written to the point. So, it is very precise. It may be: A Letter to the Read more

Descriptive Essay Topics for SSC CGL Mains

Dear Friends, Preparation for Objective English Paper for Competitive Examinations is a bit easy; but it is rather hard to prepare for Descriptive English as what you’ve learn in Objective English is to be properly applied to Descriptive English. Descriptive Read more