Translation for JHT Exam Practice

निम्न का अनुवाद अंग्रेजी में करें और फिर अनुदित अभ्यास को उत्तर अनुवाद से मिलाएं इस बार बिहार में एक भयंकर बाढ़ आई. धन की हानि हुई. फसलें नष्ट हो गई और मवेशी बह गए. अनेक माकन गिर गए. बाढ़ Read more

How to learn Words for CAT

Hello Friends, Words play a vital role in Competitive Exams. A word may have different meanings. The words for CAT Examination are a bit different. The aspirants must learn words with their different usage. Just take an example: Directions: In Read more

Word Power Made easy by Anandam

Hello Friends, Never cram words; just play with the words you come across. Every word has its own identity; just try to identify it. Believe me, the words learn in this way will become your friends for ever. A word Read more