Critical Analysis of The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer

The Canterbury Tales is a frame narrative which is narrated around another story or stories. It was written by the Father of English Poetry Geoffrey Chaucer who was at once a courtier, scholar, traveller, businessman and a prominent literary figure of the Read more

Exaggeration and Hyperbole Examples

Exaggeration is a statement representing something as better as or worse than it really is. Exaggeration को हिंदी में अतिश्योक्ति कहते है. जब किसी बात को थोडा बढ़ा-चढ़ाकर पेश किया जाता है तो ऐसी बात को अतिश्योक्ति या Exaggeration कहते Read more

What is Allegory

An Allegory is a literary device in which a person, place or event is compared with some other object in broader sense. It aims at conveying a broader message about the real world and its political, moral and social issues. Read more

Types of Poetry

Poetry is a collection of words expressing an idea or emotion with rhythm. कविता शब्दों का ऐसा संग्रह है जिससे भावनाओं को लय में अभिव्यक्त की जाती है. Poetry may be of following types:- Allegory (This interprets the hidden meaning Read more

What is Metaphor-रूपक अलंकार

This is a figure based on Similarity. It is a direct comparison between two fundamentally different objects or ideas. Any comparative factor such as ‘so’, ‘as’ or ‘like’ is not employed for the purpose. It is also called ‘Compressed’ or Read more

What is Simile-Hindi explanation

This is a Figure of Speech in which two objects or events are compared by using ‘like’, ‘so’, ‘as’ etc. यह एक ऐसा अलंकार है जिसमे दो चीजों के बीच में तुलना As, So और Like का प्रयोग कर किया Read more

What are Figures of Speech-Hindi Explanation

figures of speech

Figures of Speech को हिंदी में अलंकार कहते है. इसका प्रयोग भाषा की शोभा बढाने के लिए किया जाता है. अंग्रेजी में हम इसे निम्न तरीके से कह सकते है: A Figure of Speech is a Word or Phrase which Read more

Nouns for SSC

Nouns are all: that can be seen or touched, smelled or heard. (fire, sky, book, water, Fragrance, Noise, Music etc.) that can be felt by our sense organs. (air, wind, emotion, heat, hardness, electric current etc.) that are the inherent Read more

English Monophthongs and Diphthongs for CTET English Paper

There are 5 Vowel Letters in the English Alphabet and all the five Vowels have 20 sounds. All the 20 Vowel Sounds are divided into two parts: Monophthongs and Diphthongs Also called Pure Vowels, Monophthongs are such Vowel Sounds that Read more

English Consonants and Vowels for CTET English Paper

The English Language has originated from the Latin Language in 7th century. The language has 26 letters out of which 21 are Consonants and the rest 5 are Vowel ones. 21 Consonant Letters are pronounced in 24 different ways. In Read more

Words followed by Prepositions for Bank, SSC Exams

Prepositions are considered to be the most difficult grammatical chapter to be dealt with by the students preparing for different competitive examinations as they (Prepositions) do not follow any hard and fast rule to be used properly along with some Read more

SBI Precis Practice

Write the Precis of the following in about one-third of the number of the words given in the passage. A great part of Arabia is desert. Here there is nothing but sand and rock. The sand is so hot that Read more